Looking for a way to brighten someone's day? Look no further! Introducing Sunshine Glow, the perfect summer surprise for your loved ones. This stunning bouquet features a dozen long stem yellow roses, elegantly arranged in a beautiful vase. Please note that the packaging, container, and filler foliage may vary from the picture, making each bouquet unique in its own way. But it's not just a pretty sight, Sunshine Glow also delivers on quality. Our roses are carefully selected and hand-picked to ensure a long-lasting gift that will bring joy for days to come. And with our same-day delivery option, you can rest assured that your thoughtful gesture will arrive on time, no matter the occasion. Speaking of occasions, Sunshine Glow is a versatile bouquet suitable for various celebrations. Whether it's to spark a little romance, celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or simply to let someone know you're thinking of them, this bouquet is the perfect choice. It's also great for sending well wishes or just because, making it a versatile and thoughtful gift for any occasion. Available at an affordable price starting from $109.95, this bouquet of Sunshine Glow is worth every penny. Don't miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone's day with this beautiful and heartfelt gift. Order now and bring a little sunshine into someone's life with Sunshine Glow.