Get ready to blow someone away with the Blushing Pink Dozen bouquet! This stunning arrangement of hot pink roses is guaranteed to impress and surprise your loved one. Delicately wrapped in embossed paper and tied with a luxurious satin ribbon, these roses are sure to make a statement. Our standard bouquet features 12 long stem pink roses, while the deluxe boasts an impressive 20 long stem roses. And for an even more extravagant display, our mega bouquet is made up of a whopping 30 long stem roses. No matter which size you choose, our Blushing Pink Dozen bouquet is the perfect way to show someone how much they mean to you. Not only are these roses beautiful to look at, they also come with fresh seasonal foliage to add an extra touch of elegance. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet is suitable for birthdays, anniversaries, get well soon messages, baby congratulations, or just because. And the best part? With our same day delivery option, you can surprise your loved one with this stunning bouquet anytime, anywhere. So why settle for ordinary when you can make a statement with the Blushing Pink Dozen bouquet. Starting at just $89.99, this is the perfect way to show someone you care.
Same Day Blushing Pink Dozen bouquet Delivery | Blushing Pink Dozen bouquet Delivery | Blushing Pink Dozen bouquet Delivered